? Soare GNU/Linux


What devices are compatible with Soare GNU/Linux?

Soare GNU/Linux is designed specifically for the Raspberry Pi under the ARM64 architecture.

What is the name meaning?

The name "Soare" is inspired by the Romanian word for "sun." It symbolizes the energy, warmth, and illumination that the sun provides. Similarly, Soare GNU/Linux aims to bring light and efficiency to your server operations, providing a powerful and reliable platform for your computing needs. The name reflects our commitment to delivering a bright, innovative, and user-friendly server experience.

What is the logo meaning?

The logo represents the shape of the sun to symbolize the energy and brightness of the system, which contains lines of longitude and latitude surrounded by two beams symbolizing the first letter of the name to indicate the purpose of the main system as a server.

What is the license for Soare GNU/Linux?

Soare GNU/Linux is released under the GNU General Public License v3.0.

How do I change the default password?

To change the default password, log in using the default credentials and use the command passwd.

How do I access the Cockpit web GUI?

Ensure your ARM64 device is connected to your local network. Open a web browser and enter the IP address of your device followed by port 9090 (e.g.,

What is the default username and password?

The default username is soare and the default password is admin. It is highly recommended to change the default password after the first login.

2024 Soare GNU/Linux. Distributed under AGPLv3+. Website media licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0.